JUL-731 Mito Kana Sweet Whisper

JUL-731 Mito Kana Sweet Whisper

JUL-731 Mito Kana Sweet Whisper 甘い囁きに流されるまま、僕は大学を留年するまで、人妻との巣篭もりSEXに溺れて…。 水戸かな

An alarm clock that rings in the apartment every morning, a woman in the water business who fights with a man every night, and a college student who lives in a rag apartment with a bad environment. One day, while feeling emptiness, Mito moved to the next room … She is a beautiful woman with a mysterious atmosphere. Such a girlfriend invites me to something … I couldn’t resist the sweet whisper, and I was addicted to rich sex that seemed to fall while nesting.